The Resistance of the Echo & La Eco-Resistencia

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-This project was first presented at the Mesa College Art Gallery in San Diego. July – Aug 2023

-Also presented at Snakebite Gallery, Tucson, AZ. May – June 2024

-Galería Bejnamin Serrano, Casa de Cultura Altamira. Tijuana, BC. Aug – September 2024

Rebel, Francisco Eme digital photograph printed on aluminum

DOSSIER- The Resistance of the Echo & La Eco-Resistencia

Crisscrossed by canyons, the urban area of San Diego is unique; nature resists as homes and developments encroach on the native ecology. When Francisco Eme and his wife Monica moved to a new house in the suburbs, the wild area behind their home looked like a steep, barren slope with little potential. During the pandemic, artist Francisco turned his attention to this canyon. He removed the invasive plants and nurtured the growth of indigenous species; he observed the flora and the fauna, listened to the call of coyotes and birds, and recorded their comings and goings. The work in this exhibit is inspired by this act of eco-resistance. Over the past five years, Francisco has taken hundreds of photographs, videos and audio recordings of the canyon. He has collected objects, organic and manmade, and created others. These documents and artifacts are the foundational materials for the artworks in the exhibition.

The Resistance of Echo & La Eco-Resistencia turned into a contemplative multimedia art project, an urban ecology study focusing on the biological dynamics of a canyon situated in a suburb of San Diego. This project connects us with the activity in the canyon as it resists “guerrilla style” against the monstrosity of urbanization, against human intervention. The artistic process also highlights the spiritual connection between a human and a small oasis of wildlife. Mesa College Gallery director and curator of the exhibition Alessandra Moctezuma worked to include this exhibit in the 2023 SUR:biennial.

This project was also envisioned as a way to collaborate with craftsmen and artists from Mexico. Consultations with biologists and botanists have taken place along the project as well. The exhibition dives into complex dynamics and tensions in the canyon to find an ecological balance within the small wild areas enveloped by big city civilization. The exhibition also incorporates Mexican crafts, urban myths and personal experiences to connect the animal and the human, the scientific and the spiritual.