-Francisco Eme Official Website

The Resistance of the Echo & La Eco-Resistencia. Solo Exhibition premiered at  Mesa College Art Gallery. Aug, 2023.

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Memory is a Bird – Solo Exhibition at Best Practice, 2022.

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Francisco Eme is a sound artist specialized in the study of sublime dimensions and parallel planes. In his work we find a strange fleeting vocation: he turns everything into a horizon.

Sound by sound, it complements that part of reality that only memory understands when we remember or imagine. They are the sounds of time imprisoned in space, out of nowhere chasing everything and each one of us wondering what it is.

Luis Ramaggio, curator.

Francisco Eme es un artista sonoro especializado en el estudio de las dimensiones sublimes y los planos paralelos. En su trabajo encontramos una extraña vocación fugaz: todo lo convierte en horizonte.

Sonido a sonido,  complementa esa parte de realidad que sólo la memoria entiende cuando recordamos o imaginamos. Son los sonidos del tiempo preso en el espacio, de la nada persiguiendo el todo y de cada uno de nosotros preguntándonos qué es.
Luis Ramaggio, curador.


-San Diego Art Prize 2024 Awardee!!! https://www.instagram.com/sdartprize/

-La resistencia del eco y la eco-resistencia, solo exhibition. Casa de la Cultura Altamira, galerua Benjamin Serrano. Tijuana, MX. July 25 – Sept 13, 2024

-The Resistance of the Echo & La Eco-resistencia. Solo exhibition. Snakebite art gallery, Tucson , AZ. May – june 2024.

-The Resistance of the Echo & La Eco-Resistencia. Solo exhibition at Mesa College Art Gallery. Aug 21 – Sept 14, 2023. Reception Aug 31st.

-La memoria es un pajaro / Memory is a Bird, solo exhibition . Best Practice Gallery. San Diego CA. November 12  2022 (more details coming soon)

-La memoria es un pajaro / Memory is a Bird, solo exhibition . Galeria de la Ciudad, TIjuana Mayo 2022.

-Semana Internacional de Improvisacion Ensenada, 7-12 de febrero en el Centro Cultural Bodegas de Santo Tomás. learn more

-Synchresis Videomusic Festival – “Los Desaparecidos” for flute and electronic sounds, feat. Wilfrido Terrazas. Program 47. Dec 2, 2021. Centro Superior de Música del País Vasco Musikene Learn more

-Hotel Clandestina, group exhibition. Dec 2021. Miami, Florida. Learn more

-Project Blank, electroacoustic concert. San Diego. Nov 29, 2021

-Sowing Seeds, San Diego Mesa College, group exhibition. Nov – Dec 2021

-Pan y Sal. Podcast interview on Treatise on Violence. Learn more/ listen.

-Visiones Sonoras 17,  International Festival of Music and New Technologies. CMMAS,  virtual concert. Morelia Mexico. Sep, 2021. Listen Here. 

– Planos Paralelos / Parallel Planes -Texts about spanglish\ Download

-SD Practice Group Exhibition of the Civic Art Collection by the City of San Diego. June 2021

-Treatise on Violence  – Album Release April 2021 Download

-City of San Diego Acquired “La linea Verbal” Spanglish works. 2021

-Goutha Video Performance  feat. Anishka Lee-Skorepa Jan 2021  watch

-Treatise on Violence PREMIERE APRIL 10, 2020 . A multimedia concert that explores violence in our culture. 

-Bread and Salt-Concert : Treatise on Violence.  (preview) Bread and Salt March 2019.

-Concert. San Diego New Music. Oct 10 Athenaeum Library. La Jolla CA
-Artist in Residence. Bread & Salt. Oct-Dec. 2018 San Diego CA.
-Solo Exhibition. Planos Paralelos/Parallel Planes. San Diego Art Institute NOV 2018.
-Concert, IV FME. April 21s, 2018. Chile.
– SONOCINEMA Re-edited by BedCLub Studios. Dec 2017.
-La vida Secreta, Multimedia perfomance with Moisés Regla at Bread & Salt, San diego. September 2017
-TENWEST Festival MOCA Tucson. Friday Oct 20th 3 pm. Conversation: Spanglish as a border bridge.
-MOCA Tucson. Oct 7 – 2017. Parallel Planes, interactive installation.
-Feel the noise. work by  Aren Skalman, Margareth Noble & Francisco Eme. SDAI Project Space at Horton Plaza. Jul 15 – 22.
-Esto que ocurre- Francisco Eme & Andrew Roberts. RI Space, Estación Federal, Tijuana, México. Mayo 2017.
-April 4 New Release! Modern Interaction. Improvisation Duets. Francisco Eme + Leah Bowden, Anishka Lee-Skorepa, Judith Hamann, Monica Camacho. Download.
– April 16th. Bread & Salt. Spring Fest Improvisation Concert.
-April 9th. Inmertions at Birch Aquarium. AXALAPAZCOS. Multimedia Installation. Collaboration. Lyndsay Bloom, Caroline Louise Miller & Francisco Eme.
-February 4th AMT Festival (Art Music Technology) Data Visualization and Sonification. Discussion Panel. . SouthWestern College https://amtfestival.com/2017
-Jan 30 GLAMFA 2017. Greater LA MFA Exhibition.CSULB Open Studios: January 29-Feb 1.
Cal State Long Beach Art Galleries. AXALAPAZCOS. Multimedia Installation. Collaboration. Lyndsay Bloom, Caroline Louise Miller & Francisco Eme.
-Festival Internacional de Música Electroacústica MUSLAB Ciudad de México 5 oct 2016.
-Happening en el Valle de Guadalupe. Baja California Norte.  Sept 2016 
-Solo electroacoustic multichannel concert. SDAI Project Space. Horton Plaza. San Diego. 30 june 2016
-New York Electroacoustic Music Festival . Underground Theater. June 14th. New York. 2016
-SIME electroacoustic music week at Action Culture. Université de Lille, France April 22nd 2016
-BYOB Group Exhibit. Horton Plaza San Diego California. March 25th.
-MAS Attack. Group Exhibit. San Diego Art Institute. March 19th.
-Electroacoustic concert. Low Gallery March 5th. San Diego California
-Colloqium Feb 5th San Diego State University. Sound & Movement.
-Electroacoustic Concert. Low Gallery. Feb 19th 2016. San Diego California.
-Talk at Relaciones Inesperadas. Movement, sound & Memory. Jan 21 2016. Tijuana. B.C. 
-Judith Hamann & Francisco Eme, concert at Low Gallery. San Diego, Cal. Jan 13 2016.
-MOMENTS IN MEMORY. Sound intervention, sculpture by Jose Felipe Nieva, a work of 50 years of his life. Dolores Olmedo Museum,  Mexico DF December 2015 – February 2016.  Work commissioned by AMMA Espinosa Rugarcía Foundation.
-Ephemeral Objects, Group Exhibition. San Diego Art Institute Aug- Sept 2015.
-Space 4 Art, performing THE DESIRED OBJECT August 15th, San Diego, California
– Spellbinders, San Diego Art Insitute, August 1st. 6. pm 
-Global Water Dances, music, sound & dance. Morelos, México. June 20.
-Sound Postcards, workshop. San Diego Art Institue, june 21st.
– Electroacoustic concert San Diego Art Institute june 21st.
– Music & Sound in performing arts- Workshop- Dancelab. Tijuana Mexico may 2015. 
-Festival de la Imagen, Manizales Colombia. Abril 20 – 29 Apparent Movement.
– Solo exhibition. Dolphin & Hawk Gallery, La Jolla, San Diego California. March 21.
-MAS attack, Group exhibit, San DIego Art Institute Feb 28, 2015
-Stay Strange Sow Death Noise Music Festival, Space 4 Art, San Diego California, Feb 21 2015.
-Balboa Park at 100, Group Exhibition commemorating the Balboa Park Centennial. San Diego Art Institute, Jan 23 to feb 22
– APPARENT MOVEMENT, TRANSIENT MEMORY, 2 Audiovisual installations. San Diego Art Institute. Dec 19 2014 San diego California.
-CUERNO DE CHIVO, San Francisco Tape Music Festival. January 10,  2015,   Victoria Theater,  San Francisco, California.  learn more
-STAY STRANGE collective Noise Music Show. Space 4 Art, San DIego California. Feb 21,  2015.
-City Run, Audiovisual Installation Francisco EMe, Jan 2015,  12 50 Concert Venue, Tijuana Baja California.
-MOMENTS IN MEMORY.  24 speaker sound Intervention Guadalajara Regional Museum , December 2014, Jalisco, Mexico.
-Premiere of the Sound & Visual performance -THE SECRET LIFE part of  the “The scene of sound” series of concerts organized by the National Sound Archive. , October 15 & 16 2014 Centro Cultural del Bosque, Fonoteca Nacional. Mexico.
-Apparent Movement – Audiovisual installation, Ex Convento del Carmen, Guadalajara, Jalisco from August 25 to September 13 2014.
-Apparent Movement Audiovisual installation, Electronic Art Festival MOD , Laboratory of Arts & Varieties, Guadalajara,  México from August 19 to 24, 2014.
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– GOAT HORN (cuerno de chivo)  Francisco EMeMultichannel concert, MediaCity UK & Northern Quarter, Manchester July 3, 2014.
– GOAT HORN (cuerno de chivo) Multichannel concert, MediaCity UK & Northern Quarter, Manchester April 2014.
-Apparent Movement , Published by Modisti Netlabel  jan 2014 Listen / download.
-Apparent Movement, Audiovisual installation at  night passages, installation, performance and video  night February 13 2014 Tea Leaves Col. Juarez Mexico.
-MOMENTS IN MEMORY. 24-speaker sound intervention and 2 videos, sculpture of Jose Felipe Nieva, a work for 50 years of his life. Museum of popular culture. Mexico DF Opening December 5, 2013 until February 2014 curator  Luis Ramaggio. Work commissioned by AMMA Espinosa Rugarcía Foundation.
APPROPRIATED SELFPORTRAIT audio and video edition of the José Maria AloS film Released 7 December 2013 to February 2014 Laboratorio Arte Alameda Mexico DF
– Multichannel Sound Installation “Broken Mirrors”  Francisco Eme Entijuanarte 2013 Cecut, Tijuana Mexico opened October 5. until February 2014 Curated by Luis Ramaggio. Interdisciplinary
-Work “Dance Objectual” Rosario Romero and Jose Luis Garcia Nava, Sonic Visions Festival, Morelia Michoacán, October 2013. Interdisciplinary
-Work “objetual Dance” Rosario Romero and Jose Luis Garcia Nava 16 and October 17, Alliance Française, Mexico DF -Work Multimedia “apparent movement” to be released in multichannel concert, Carrillo Gil Museum, 2, 9 and 16 October. 2013. Multichannel
-Concert in August 2013 Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium on Real-time NAISA’s spatialization system.
– Compositions “goat horn” and “Hanging Gardens” will be presented at the CICTEM 2013, meeting of electroacoustic music in Buenos Aires, Argentina in September 2013. Publication of the book “Your fire” on multichannel online netlabel, Modisti, May 2013 http://modisti.com/netlabel/?p=853 –
The composition “goat horn will perform at the festival Di_stanze,” Silence Festival “at the” Tito Schipa “di Lecce Italy  2013.
– The play “Your Fire” Francisco EMe  will be displayed in Revolutum, VIdeo and New Media Art, gallery Ixcateopan, Acapulco warrior from 7 to 30 June Curaduria Ulises Barreda..